Virtual Sensors for Hardware Replacement

Significantly reduce costs by replacing hardware sensors with software-based Virtual Sensors, minimizing hardware dependencies and scaling cost savings across production volumes.

The Benefits of Hardware Replacement with Virtual Sensors 

Replace Traditional Hardware Sensors with Software-based Virtual Sensors

COMPREDICT’s Virtual Sensors offer substantial cost savings by replacing traditional hardware sensors with software-based solutions.

By eliminating tire pressure sensors, OEMs can save up to €20 per vehicle, translating to €20M for a production run of 1 million vehicles or €10M for a fleet of 500,000. Similarly, replacing headlight adjustment sensors can reduce costs by €15 per vehicle, achieving €15M in savings for 1 million vehicles or €7.5M for 500,000.

BCG estimates that optimizing the Bill of Materials in SDVs could save $1,500 to $2,500 per premium vehicle. Start capturing these savings by replacing hardware tire pressure and headlight adjustment sensors with COMPREDICT’s Virtual Sensors. 

For volume vehicles, BCG highlights a potential BOM savings in SDVs of $600 to $1,200 per car. Begin realizing these savings now with COMPREDICT’s Virtual Sensors for tire pressure and headlight adjustment, reducing hardware costs and enhancing vehicle intelligence.